Story International’s Guatemalan professionals BUILD and IMPLEMENT individualized, family-based solutions through our preservation + reunification services and innovative foster care programming.

Our social workers and psychologists work together to PRESERVE family structures and SUPPORT recently reunified families in order to prevent unecessary separations.
We partner with the Guatemalan government as a private foster care agency - recruiting and training Guatemalan families, placing children in their care, and providing case management services + long-term follow up (through our family reunification services).
Together, our foster care team and our community outreach coordinator work to educate and equip local pastors, leaders, students, and families on the need for family-based solutions and how they can partner with us to make FAMILY the answer for every child in crisis.
On the front end, we work to preserve family structures and prevent unnecessary family separation. That means coming alongside at-risk families and walking with them in their journey towards stability, wholeness and independence.
When a child does have to be separated from their biological family (temporary or permanent), the solution is still family. As a safer, family-based alternative to institutionalization, we recruit and train Guatemalan foster families and place children in their care. Reunification with biological family is the goal when possible.
We are committed to changing the orphan care narrative on a global scale. Through education and advocacy in not only the regions where we work but in Latin America as a whole, we seek to empower NGOs and the LOCAL church to be catalysts in the family-based care movement.